June 9th, 2012



I woke up rather early Saturday morning and only let Mark sleep until about 7:30–since it was actually sunny out, I was not going to waste time in bed! We went out to have a little cake and tea/coffee for breakfast and then went for a longish walk (total: 8 miles/ 12 km) through the entire tow and across the peninsula at the end of the bay until we got to the Weisse Wiek, a big new hotel / vacation rental complex plus Marina that looks, in the pre-season, rather deserted and very impersonal, with basically no charm at all. But it was a good destination since we hadn’t walked to that end of the town at all. It was nice to be able to just walk and enjoy the scenery and the conversation on the way. On the way back, we stopped in the center of town again for some food and trinkets, and then hung out at home, a good bit tired, and just played soduko and journaled etc. Imke and Hermann went out and I made lunch for the four of us with various leftovers. Uschi and Wolfgang showed up between three and four, having settled in their apartment in the next village over, and we all went to the beach for a while, some of us for a long walk, while others who can’t walk well (Wolfgang and then Alfred) stayed around the entrance area. Everyone had a good time, and we all had Abendbrot at home, buffet-style. Kai went back to the beach (he has been spending hours there on his own, running back and forth, over the last few days, which is wonderful) and Mark and I went for a walk, checked in on him and on the live band playing this evening, and came back home at around 10, when the six older adults were wrapping up their wine drinking. Very nice day again, no rain and wonderful, peaceful time with Mark, while the kids were also very happy all in all.


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