June 17th, 2012



It was nicer than it was supposed to be according to the weather report, but mostly cloudy, plus I was getting my period and felt lousy. So we just extended our beach basket rental and didn’t do much, except to go on a little one-hour boat trip around the bay at the center of which is Boltenhagen. It was fun to see some of the places we’ve been seeing from up close (like the cliffs) from far away, and to learn that there are parts of the bay where the water even quite a ways out is only a few feet deep because of sand banks. We had a lovely last-day sunday dinner in one of the restaurants on the promenade, but it was spoiled a little by Hermann being regal and prone to complaints, and by Kati teasing Mark beyond the limit of niceness about his ‘boring’ choice of food. After we got home, Mark and I went to the beach basket and read and hung out, since my mood was “let’s be away from everyone until I am less grouchy.” I did have fun exploring the impossibly shallow water (it’s warm enough for wading now, with some courage, but not for swimming.) We’ve started reading the boring horror novel that the Thing is based on, but it’s short and I have to read it anyway before the sumer is over. Kati came around 5ish to exercise, but we went home soon after, and then spent way too much time looking for her inhaler, which has disappeared. After dinner, we went for another walk to the beach and the pier, and had a surprise in store for us, because the light was very different from previous days, and the ocean looked like milky glass that reflected the grays and light pinks of the sky. In spots, one couldn’t see the horizon, and it looked like either water or sky went on forever. It was really clear close by, and Mark and I watched the fish, including very well camouflaged flounders, for quite a while. We had a moment of panic because Kati’s phone went missing, but Kai ran back where we’d come from and found it lying on the beach. Lucky duck! (Despite the gorgeous weather, the beach was almost empty because of the Germany/Denmark soccer game that was being broadcast that night.) We were home around 10, everyone took showers and we packed most of our stuff, and were probably all of us asleep before 11).


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