July 3rd 2013 The Flight to Madagascar

If you are reading the other blogs, this one is from my journal.

Up 6:30 or so. Antje took me up to Omaha. The flight from MSP to Paris, tail wind was 136mph and it was -64F outside.  This was at 37,000 ft. Movie selection was ok, but didn’t feel like starting with one.  Might watch Life of Pi or Argo later, we still have 6:52 to go.

9:00pm CDT
4 hours to go, haven’t watched a full movie yet, tired but unable to sleep.  Back isn’t the most comfortable.  Was getting a bit chilly but got out the airline blanket and that was enough.  This is looking like it will be a very long trip to get there.  There was a guy from India that seemed impressed by my stories.  He works for Honeywell and attempting to do something about the impoverished people there.  He had about the same distance to travel as I, just in a different direction after Paris.


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