Up 6:15, we were allowed to sleep in, but it just isn’t possible here. Traded text messages with Antje then down for breakfast. It was sausages on rice. Tasted ok, didn’t eat much rice. Back to the loft and watched steam come off of some of the giant leaves as the sun hits them. Traded a couple more messages with Antje. Close to 10:00 we headed to Kianjavato for market day. There is a major concert here this afternoon so the number of people here is huge. I took the GoPro camera because it is a bit less obvious than the Canon. We walked both side for the full length. I purchased a …… for Antje. Didn’t find what I wanted from the blacksmith and the goldsmith was charging way too much per gram. Will order what I want from the blacksmith later. This is the main street, the highway traffic is not stopped, but just slowed a bunch as the work their way through the crowd. Two large trucks passing each other in opposite directions was already a challenge, but we watched the people sorta just spread out to let them do it. We stopped for a “Fresh”, it was beer, but at 1% alcohol, it doesn’t count. Had a bit of an apple taste. My attempts at guessing what dice will come up lost me 1,400 Ariary (something like $0.75). Haven’t figured out the odds yet. Back to camp for lunch. This time it was chicken on rice with something like a salad on the side. Didn’t eat much rice. About 2:00 we headed to the school in Kianjavato to upgrade the system they put in last year. Shouldn’t take very long. But it took longer than expected, didn’t get done till 4:45. The guys went over to the concert for 20 minutes, I just headed back. Traded text messages with Antje and headed shown for dinner. Dinner was fish and rice. I ate most of the fish and left most the rice. An hour or so of conversation with the volunteers and I headed up to the loft. The moon was looking full and it was very bright out. Crashed about 9:00.