Day 34: Sunday, August 4 ~ Guess what? Still rambling around Osnabrück

Our last full day in Osnabrück was again rather quiet. It was much cooler today after the rain pulled the temperatures down, starting in the low 60s and peaking at 70 or 71, but that actually felt very pleasant. After breakfast we went on a lovely walk with my mom, and she took us along a new path through a green space we had *not* explored, the Pappelgraben (Poplar Ditch) and then to a railroad underpass mural, the Musikexpress (the Music Express) that was very nice–begun in the 1980s, restored in the 2000s, and recently added on to–the artist even has YouTube videos about it (this is the shortest, but I am not a fan of the music!).

Admiring the wild flowers for the pollinators along the Pappelgraben
Music Express Mural
A bit of trompe l’oeuil in the Music Express Mural

After we got back, we did a bit of our packing and then I made us lunch–little meat patties stuffed with feta cheese, sauteed veggies, and egg noodles with a creamy feta sauce. It was yummy–and my mom seems to really like the idea that someone is fixing her a meal! Afterwards, we took a bit of a nap (correction: Mark took a nap, I rested but couldn’t quite doze off) and then the two of us took another little walk that took us to the downtown area by yet a different route (via the “Bürgergehorsam,” a 16c tower and the Vitischanze, an old rampart, both remnants of the old Osnabrück city defense system when there were still city walls) and when we came home, had coffee and the last bit of cake from yesterday.

Bürgergehorsam (“Civil Obedience”), part of the old city walls

My mom and I did one more tidying job (sorting through some magazines that had accumulated and that needed to be culled) and then there was also some more packing and other logistics stuff before it was (surprise!) time for food again. We had bread and cheese and a parfait that I had made with strawberries and a yogurt / quark cream, topped with cookie crumbles and a little shaved dark chocolate. It was delicious and pretty light compared with much of what we’ve been eating! And since we then went for another walk with Imke (another nearly 3 miles) we really balanced the eating with walking today. 3 3+-mile walks in a day still make about 10 miles of walking (and my mom was part of half of that!!!), so we were tired by the end of the day!

Ignore the photobomber behind us, this was still the best photo from our evening walk!