Up 6:15. Attempted to get an internet connection, it connected, but no data would go through. After about 4 or 5 tries, did finally connect well enough to get a couple of text messages back and forth. Breakfast was some sort of mixed veggies on rice. I ate the veggies, left 90% of the rice. Packed up most all of my tools and we headed to the first school. Things went well, got the screen back up over the vent outside. Sent Brandon and Ian into the attic to handle that part of the work. The battery box was installed and wired into the solar panel and it started charging the battery. I disassembled a couple of the light fixtures and verified that my mounting technique will work. It all looked great and we managed to mount 1 light before lunch and got it wired in so it would actually light. A small kid came in and sold us a monster pineapple for less than $1. Back to the camp for lunch, rice and zebu, not impressed, ate the zebu left most of the rice. Mark D. had requested we take a picture at both lunch time and 12:00 UTC. I snapped a picture of us at the lunch table. UTC is later. By 2:30 we had the second set of lights on. Progress has been very good, everybody is happy. All lights up. And running by 5:00 with cables in conduit. Only thing left is to put a hasp on it so it can be locked. Back to camp. Internet seems to connect, but can’t get any data to go. Text messages and mail just don’t go anywhere. Dinner was spaghetti and ground zebu. I was hungry so it was good. Kate brought in a fresh pineapple and it was very good. We are saving the monster one for Sunday when more of the volunteers will be here. After dinner, it will be time to take a shower in the dark. Ok I feel a bit cleaner now even if this is well water, not warmed. Internet has been flaky, hard to even get text messages out, but things improved enough to touch base with Antje. Suppose I will post my journal and call it a night. We leave the Kianjavato area a week from tomorrow.