Up at 6:00 traded a couple of text messages with Antje. Didn’t sleep that well, air mattress just doesn’t do it. Breakfast was rice and some sort of mixed veggies. Looks like we will evaluate the two schools for next year. We stopped at the first school master about 8:00, she had face cream on and asked if we could come back in an hour. We went on down to Kianjavato and picked up muff balls for a snack and walked around on the street again. Watched a guy push a cart with a pig that had been gutted on it. Just then a taxi bus came through and ran over a rooster. Someone picked it up and I am sure it will be dinner. Back to the school close to our camp. It took a bit less than an hour to get the information for next year. Back to camp by a bit after 10:00. I read till lunch was zebu and rice with a carrot salad. This time the beef although a bit tough, tasted like the beef you would expect. Ate some of the rice. Stomach felt much better than yesterday. After lunch read a bit more until about 1:45 so we could go evaluate the other school for next year. The next evaluation went rather quick. We also stopped by both of the schools to clean up a couple of things. Back at camp by 4:15. Traded text messages with Antje, helped Steph with a techie type phone problem then headed to dinner. Dinner was sausage, beans and rice with a banana for dessert. It was ok. Headed to the shower.
Water was cool, air temperature wasn’t bad, didn’t wash hair, the rinse is difficult and I wasn’t that dirty. Back to the loft about 7pm. Texted with Antje for a bit then went back to my tent and finished Neverwere. Crashed about 9:15.