Woke the usual time a bit before 6:00. Didn’t get out of the tent until 6:15. Down for breakfast, moof balls. They gave me 4, I managed one and a half. Next up is Kianjavato at 8:00, then Ambohitsara, then Footobahitra. We missed a wire connection that caused the adapter to fail at Kianjavato. On the way back we picked up rolls and the coup-coups. They were only 7,000 each. Back for a lunch of zebu and rice. We then did a nice long walk to the Manakara river. About an hour there and the same back. Likely 5 mile round trip. It was the first significant walk in the last 3 and a half weeks. The river was sizable and the other members on the walk all hired a couple of canoes to take them to the other side and back. These are dugouts and I decided to pass so everybody else gave me the things that couldn’t get wet. After we got back Brandon discovered that he had a chigoe flea problem. It is a worm that gets under the skin, a not that dangerous, but very painful to remove. I looked myself over but didn’t see anything. There is a good chance they came from the shower. The team was starting on the packing process to see which tools could stay. Dinner about 5:30 was beans and rice, I didn’t eat much of either. As usual, dark by the time we were done with dinner. My packing isn’t bad, just need to pack up sleeping bag, tent, and mattress pad. The driver wants everything down by 6:00am. We will be on the road before 7:00. The rest will need to be done in the morning. Heading to the tent about 8:30.