Monday, July 16 — Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon

We left Las Vegas around 9 after a very light breakfast, and drove without much of a break to the Grand Canyon. We had a rather terrible lunch in Williams, the last city before we branched off for the Canyon, and then went right into the National Park and a big parking lot near Mather Point. The view is completely mindboggling, and neither photos nor descriptions do the vastness of the Canyon any justice. We walked along the rim (with hundreds of other tourists, of course) to the next observation station, and then back to the parking lot. But as we drove over to the lodge where we had reserved a cabin, I realized that my phone was missing. It was nowhere to be found, not by backtracking to the parking lot or anything (I knew I didn’t have it on the walk, but I assumed it was in the car, which it wasn’t). I was upset enough to have a hard time staying focused on how fabulous the view was, but I am slowly getting over my frustration with losing it and refocusing on the positive. We checked into our cabin at the Bright Angel Lodge, and it is truly fantastic–only 40 feet from the canyon rim trail, so with a fabulous view and walks to the canyon within seconds of our door. We walked around a bit more that afternoon, including a few hundred yards down the Bright Angel Trail, which is breathtaking and right in front of us. We found a mediocre food court for dinner, as well as some ice cream, but we were both tired, and decided to call it a day after that.