June 25th, 2012

Woke up early, finished packing and tidying up (this was a really wonderful vacation rental, so I really didn’t want to leave a mess behind), and left a little early to get to the Spandau station. Kati and I walked around the big shopping mall near the station, while Mark and Kai waited at the platform with their electronics. We had NO train changes, so this was a very pleasant straight shot back to Osnabrueck. We got home around 2 pm, had lunch with Imke and Hermann, and then ran away together to spend some time without the kids later in the afternoon, when it had stopped threatening to rain. We walked through the Heger Friedhof cemetery and around half of the lake, and then back home through the woods, and even had some sunshine. It was very pleasant to do something rather uneventful and unstructured by ourselves after a good many days of packed schedules and events with constant kid participation. We also enjoyed being completely in our own space for sleeping, since we were back over in Frau Kuhlmann’s guest room for our last two nights.


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