July 15th 2013


Slept just ok last night, got woken up by a mosquito then figured out that I forgot to zip up the tent.  I zipped up and spent 5 minutes hunting down the one that was inside.  Got him.  It is to be a lazy morning.  Sleeping in is never actually an option, when the sun is up, you get up.  Breakfast was rice without meat, it did have some herbs in it.  I got to the cook before she brought it out and got a much smaller portion.  Almost finished it.  Short meeting to plan the afternoon.  It looks like we might get to the Indian Ocean later in the week.  The rest of the morning is just a bit of down time.  It was nice, I got a chance to read for a couple of hours.  Lunch was ok this time, kind of potato and carrot stew on rice.  I think I have the hardest time with the meat.  We headed over to the second school and started in again.  We got a few wires run in conduit and the rails drilled and put up on the roof.  I managed to get two of the four ropes (safety) over the roof after Erik missed on two attempts. Always nice to show someone in their mid 20s how to do it.  We quit about 4:50 and locked everything in the school for the night.  The plan is to return tomorrow about 8:00 and mount the panels to the rails. The local carpenter constructed what we call the battery box.  It holds circuit breakers and the controller as well as the batteries.  Overall a productive day.  Dinner was fried chicken on rice.  The meat was good, but the rice was, well rice.  Included with dinner was the customary banana.  Managed to get the iPad charged to 100%.  Don’t think I will get to the showers tonight.

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