June 20th, 2012



We slept until almost 8 am, which is pretty long for us, and then Uschi and I took care of sending one suitcase back to Osnabrueck so we wouldn’t have to travel with two of them to Berlin. We then gathered the kids and Mark and took off for a little roundtrip up to Cuxhaven, where you can see the ships go in and out directly into the North Sea, and several small beach / resort places on the way down from Cuxhaven to Bremerhaven where we could watch the tide first hit high tide and then slowly turn the ocean floor back into mud flats within an hour or less. We didn’t see much animal life (just dead crabs) but Mark had wanted to see the huge tidal fluctuations that I had told him about, and since we knew high tide was around 2:30 pm, we worked it out perfectly. At the end of the round trip, Uschi again dropped Mark and me off to basically take the same walk as before, just backwards, from Wremen to the container harbor with its enormous movable cranes, and that was very pleasant. But I’d been fighting a headache, and when we went to have a nice dinner at the “Letzte Kneipe vor New York” that really made the headache worse. The kids were relentless, too, and when we got home I was really pretty much done for. Mark guarded me from more onslaughts and I just crawled into bed with two tylenol and slept. I did wake up at 3 am and was awake for a while, but by that time headache-free and ready for the next day.