June 6th, 2012



We had breakfast for eight in the apartment, which was interesting in terms of food logistics, but we seem to be doing quite well. Hermann took off to fetch Imke’s sister Ute and husband Alfred from Hamburg; they were joining us in Boltenhagen but they’ll be on their own in a little pension, and we didn’t see them until the next day. Judith, Dorothee and I went shopping for groceries, and then we all went for a walk, with Kai staying on the beach and Kati steering towards the boutiques etc., for which trend she found a better audience in Judith, Dorothee and Imke than in me.

We then separated, and Mark and I tracked down Kai and then went home to start on lunch. Imke joined me and helped, and we had a very pleasant meal for seven. Judith, Mark and I went for another walk to the sandy cliff and then up the cliffs where we found a path; however, after about an hour, it started to rain, and we went back home, scooping up Kai on the way–he now goes to the beach on his own accord with some frequency before he goes back to the computer. Judith and I went to get some (rather blah) cake and we had coffee and sweets around 5 pm. We were then trapped at home by the rain for the rest of the day, and the usual rainy-day routine for vacations, with card games, soduko and scrabble (but also some crabbing on the kids’ part) kicked in. Kati in particular was rather annoyed by not having anything to do.


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