June 7th, 2012



This was a rather different day from the previous! We had marvelous weather all day. Mark and I were up rather early and actually read for quite a while (Anansi Boys by Neil Gayman) and then got up and met up with Judith, who had already gotten in a walk at the beach. We went to get ‘don’t call them rolls’ Broetchen, and then tried to make a very quiet cup of tea, but only managed to blow a fuse since the electric water heater malfunctioned (the frequency with which things fail or are otherwise turn out to be inadequate in the vacation rental is rather ridiculous). So we went to a nearby supermarket with a mini cafe to sit for a while, and then joined the others at the breakfast. Mark, Kai, and I took advantage of the sunny weather and went all the way to the end of the beach where the natural preserve begins, while the others went clothes shopping. We all met up for a sit-down dinner in the main area of town, but had dessert at home, after Mark, Dorothee and I had bought some ice cream and cookies/chocolate sticks to go with the strawberries that Judith had already bought. Everyone had a great time, and then Mark and I said good bye to Judith, who was leaving for home, and went to the beach by ourselves to just lie around and enjoy the sunshine and the solitude. We then hung out at home for a bit, and bought a few more things before Abendbrot time in order to feed all nine of us. After dinner, Kati, who was in a much better mood and was full of love and affection, took off with Mark to get Kai, who was spending the fourth or fifth time of the day jumping around on the beach. But they called me and told me to come join them, because there were fantastic waves to watch. We had a wonderful time and stayed out until at least nine, and then hung out with Dorothee, Imke and Hermann for a while longer before we went to bed. This was definitely a 10 kind of day!


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